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The Crane Wives Come Back With The Well | Review

The Crane Wives ends 2023 and starts the new year with a music video release for their new single, The Well. It’s a strong yet subtle comeback following the success of their studio album “Foxlore”.

Contrast to the bright tones and story-like lyrics the album resonants (and the beautiful image of a fox on a cliff), The Well explores a darker concept and tone with inner conflict and self-sacrifice by holding onto secrets. The accompanying music video shows an animatic deer walking around various places through the night. The lyrics don’t touch on what specific secrets, but I think that’s what makes it so insightful and intriguing. it’s one of those songs that can say so much without saying too much.

The song starts with a soft cymbal crescendo followed by an acoustic guitar loop. As the song progresses, the instruments get louder. The three-part harmony in the chorus emphasizes the agony these secrets bring with the lyrics “send me anywhere, take me out. I’m the well, they’re gonna drag you down.” Acoustic and electric guitars accompany each other while soft vocals stir in the post-chorus, bringing a chilling vibe.

The Well reminds me a bit of “Can’t Catch Me Now” by Olivia Rodrigo. Not only do they use string instruments, percussions, and vocals to convey their message, they bring out a mysterious feeling that someone is watching them, or what you think is gone never truly is.

About The Crane Wives

The Crane Wives is a four-membered indie rock band based in Michigan. Dan Rickabus, Ben Zito, Emilee Petersmark, and Kate Pillsbury have been performing hundreds of shows on stages across the country for over two decades. Even after the pandemic, the bands held sold out tours dates from coast to coast. For the past three years, The Crane Wives garnered 930,000+ monthly listeners and over 81 million streams on Spotify.

Their lyrics delve into mythology, the dark side of humanity, darkness and inner conflict. Examples include a three-part harmony about Cerberus, the hound of Hades, reimagined as an emotional support animal in the 21st century. As of now, The Crane Wives released five full-length albums, including their 2020 live album, “Here I Am”.

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