September was Suicide Prevention Month, and in honor of that, artist, X. ARI released their latest single, “Don’t Choose Heaven.”
The single was released in partnership with The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to raise money for suicide prevention during the month of September. X. ARI is extremely passionate about this cause for several reasons that hit close to home for the singer. The singer wrote “Don’t Choose Heaven,” when they were going through a dark time and suffering from suicidal ideation; the song was written to help others who may be going through similar things.
Toronto native, X. ARI, currently lives in Los Angeles and uses her platform to advocate for mental health and the LGBTQIA+ Community. X. ARI is an award-winning singer-songwriter-artist and has been covered in OutFront Magazine, American Songwriter, Vice, and MTV, among others.
I love how vulnerable and raw “Don’t Choose Heaven,” is. X.ARI really puts it all out there with this track and gives it her all. It is easy for listeners to imagine what the singer was going through during the time when she wrote this song. X. ARI’s passion for advocating for mental health is also evident through this song– it is plain to see that she really cares about mental health and wants to make a difference with her work.
Overall, I really love “Don’t Choose Heaven.” I think that X. ARI did a fantastic job conveying what it is like to suffer from suicidal ideation and how it is to come out of those feelings. I think her passion and commitment to making a difference by advocating for mental health are clear through her lyrics in “Don’t Choose Heaven.”

Review By Casper Barbour