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Unheard Gems goes 1-on-1 with Folly Rae

Meet Folly Rae, one of the most exciting rising British female singers for 2018. Her powerful vocals, catchy songs, and impeccable style make her one to watch and listen to. We love Folly Rae and were thrilled to get to talk to her about her music, music videos, inspiration and more, check out what Rae has to say below:

UG: When did you first know you wanted to pursue music or when did you start to work on your music?

Folly Rae: I always knew I wanted to be a singer from a young age, but I ignored itbecause I wasn't confident enough. At 17 I decided to take a chance; I moved out and started to find my way into the industry properly.

UG: If you could describe yourself as an artist in 5 words which words would you use also why?

FR: I'm a romantic rockstar :)

UG: When you write music where do you find inspiration? What is your writing process like?

FR: I always start with melodies first, that's what gives the most inspiration and that flows into the lyrics I'm writing about. I find inspiration everywhere, my relationships, my thoughts, whats happening in the world. I love exaggerating a personal situation and making it far more dramatic than it is!

UG: I loved your music video for “Sniper” which was released back in May, how did that video come to be? (where did you get the inspiration for the concepts and style

of the video)

FR: I have a massive obsession with Tarantino and 'the Californian dream' so it all started from there. I had worked with an amazing creative Grace pPckering on a photoshoot in LA a few months before and she introduced me to Emile Nava. Both of them had such amazing ideas and we came up with a lot of the ideas on set.

UG: Who have been your biggest influences as you work on music both in music style and then also in handling the rise in fame and popularity and how you handle yourself.

FR: Musically Sia is a massive inspiration, Joni Mitchell both do not apologise or compromise on what they want to create. That inspires me everyday. To be honest, I don't think I'll change much if/when fame comes.

UG: What do you think of the music scene in the UK, do you think it provides a different environment for new artists than the US?

FR: i am in love with the UK scene right now, so many amazing artist rocking it (especially women). A great part of it is the collaborations of different styles and you can tell it's inspiring alot of music around the world.

UG: If you could recommend to us another artist you think deserves more recognition in the music industry who would you recommend?

FR: Kojey Radical.

UG:Thank you so much for joining us on Unheard Gems. As a final question where can people find you and your music?

FR: On spotify, apple music, youtube, insta and more I'm @follyrae

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