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Unheard Gems goes 1-on-1 with Anna Dellaria

Updated: Aug 3, 2018

Anna Dellaria is an emerging LA-based pop-meets-R&B songstress. Her incredible vocals and powerful lyrics definitely make her one to watch. We got the chance to talk with Anna and learn more about her as an artist and also about her newest single "I Choose Me".:

1. Firstly I want to thank you for taking the time to do this interview with Unheard Gems. When did you first know you wanted to pursue music or when did you start to work on your music?

  • Thank you so much for having me :) I've been infatuated with music since I can remember, but a pivotal moment for me was at about 6 years old when I heard Lauryn Hill in Sister Act. I locked myself in my room and sang those songs over and over again, and every time I sang those songs in particular (big vocals) I was just overwhelmed with this seriously magical feeling. I wish I had a more tangible way to describe it haha. It's just the most unique feeling, and I knew I wanted to do it forever before I even knew what that would look like. I began the basics of songwriting at about 8 when I really dove into creating melodies and new ways to express my own emotions vs. singing other people's songs.

2. What would be your elevator pitch to anyone hearing about you and your music for the first time?

  • Our biggest vulnerabilities can be our best strengths and the things that make us the most authentic. My music is an intertwinement of contagious pop melodies guided by raw and honest lyrics that celebrate being broken or imperfect, and aim to encourage others to be vulnerable and proud of who they are.

3. What inspires you to write music and what is your creative process like?

  • I definitely go through waves of inspiration, but the biggest inspiration is probably humanity as cliche as that sounds haha. I'm a definite believer that music is the universal language, and there's something really special to be said about the fact that a certain chord progression can make us feel sad or happy or mean something completely different to the next person. I love melodies, so I typically start with a melody and immediately record it onto my voice memo app, which is full of hastily labelled recordings ranging from the middle of the night to walking down a busy street. From there I'll apply a lyric idea I've been working on or brainstorming.

4. Your newest song “I Choose Me” is incredible. I love the message behind it and the fact that you are donating part of the proceeds from the song to Girls Inc of Alameda County. What is the story behind this song and how and why did you choose to donate to Girls Inc of Alameda County?

  • Thank you so much! Really appreciate the kind words. Ultimately, this song came from a breaking point within myself after years of over-apologizing and compromising for others due to thinking my flaws justified lowering myself - when in reality they make me the person I am. For me, it ranged from dealing with shame - whether from battling body image to mental health battles with depression and anxiety. I have in no way perfected the art of self-love, but I realized that these perceived imperfections are really qualities that have made me stronger. I hope others can celebrate and feel empowered by their experiences and perceived imperfections.

  • I wanted that message to be put to good use and hopefully into action, and so donating to a non-profit seemed to be the best way. I got to know more about Girls Inc., and I immediately fell in love with their cause. Young girls deal with so much critique and pressure in addition to dealing with basic gender barriers. On top of that, the young girls in underprivileged neighborhoods like parts of Oakland confront not only gender barriers, but also often economic, racial and educational barriers. Girls Inc. works to enable them with the tools and opportunities to become strong, educated and bold young women.

5. For those aspiring to be musicians, what are your words of advice that either you received or wish you had received starting out?

  • Stay true to who you are and your soul. Get comfortable being uncomfortable and unsure - it's part of the process! :p Experiment as much as you want without fear of whether it's good or bad. None of that should matter when you're creating. Educating yourself on the industry and how it works is great, but don't let it discourage you if nothing happens right away.

6. What other projects are you working on that you can tell us a bit about? What can we expect?

  • I love writing with and for other artists and collaborating, so I'm always doing that! I currently have quite a few other songs that I'm so excited to share and each holds a different meaning and sound. Definitely expect some more consistent new music and hopefully an EP in the fall! :)

7. If you could recommend to us another artist you think deserves more recognition in the music industry who would you recommend?

  • Oooh that's a tough one. There are honestly quite a few female artists that I think definitely deserve more recognition, but one that comes to mind is Kimbra. She definitely has a certain level of recognition already, but I find a lot of the time that her talent as not only a vocalist and songwriter - but also as an engineer, producer & instrumentalist - get less recognition. Also - Jazmine Sullivan. If you don't know who she is you are going to be blown away. Go treat yourself to a video of her at 12 slaying "Home" by The Wiz.

8. Thank you so much for joining us on Unheard Gems, as a final question where can people find you and your music?

  • Thank you so much for getting to know some more about me! You can find me on all social media platforms, and listen to the new music on all digital platforms :) Follow on Spotify + Apple Music for the newest updates and be the first to hear the new music.

  • Here's a link to all music services!

Written and Edited by: Hannah Schneider

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