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Theia goes 1-on-1 with Unheard Gems

Updated: Nov 6, 2018

Meet Theia, our favorite emerging artist from New Zealand. Theia brings a new spin on the singer-songwriter aesthetic with some more intense vocals and synth influenced tracks. Holding top spots on international and national charts Theia is taking naturally to the spotlight. Check out Theia and see what makes this Kiwi artist so special below:

Unheard Gems:We are so happy to get the chance to talk with you on Unheard Gems!

Theia: It’s lovely to talk to you too!

UG:When did you first know you wanted to pursue music or when did you start to work on your music?

Theia: I always wrote songs when I was young, like in primary school, but I didn’t actually think about pursuing music as a career until after I finished university, where I had studied something completely non-music related. As soon as I made the decision to focus on it, I made enough money to get myself into a studio to start recording songs.

UG: You are still relatively new in the music world, if you could give us an elevator pitch about who Theia is in the music industry what would you say?

Theia: If I could borrow a lyric from my debut single ‘Roam’ … “I was born to fight, made to forge the way, I’m here to stay”

UG: What inspires you to write music and have you seen your writing style evolved since starting out?

Theia: I’m influenced by everything around me - people I know, people I don’t know, music I love, fashion, art. And for sure my style of writing has evolved. I’d be worried if it hadn’t. That said, I think I still have the same alt-pop vibe at heart. And I always maintain full appreciation for carefully crafted lyrics, ethereal harmonies and catchy hooks.

UG: Can you tell us about your song “Bad Idea”? What is the story behind the song and what are you hoping fans will get out of the song?

Theia: Bad Idea is a song of strength and hope. It’s a reminder to everyone that even when you are at your lowest, or having a terrible time in life, you can reach out and ask for help and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. That’s the message I want to send out - if you are struggling, please don’t be afraid, or ashamed, to ask for help.

UG: You also just released a music video for “Bad Idea”. How did you create the concept for the video and what was it like to shoot?

Theia: When I finished Bad Idea, I started to think about how I would be depict such heavy lyrical content. I didn’t want the song’s visual to be a literal interpretation and so I started to imagine the song set to skating. For me skating seemed like a metaphor for life - you fall down; sometimes you bounce back up again on your own; other times you need a helping hand. So, I had this concept in mind and my management team and I started researching skaters online. I came across this incredible skater and fashion designer in LA called Sailor Gonzales and contacted her on social media. She came back saying she was interested in finding out more, and we started talking. I knew right from the get go that Sailor would be able to bring the concept to life. She nailed it. I am so grateful to her.

UG: What about anything else in the works? What can you tell us about in terms of new music or projects and what we should expect.

Theia: I am always working on new stuff and I’ve got some really exciting songs, which I cannot wait for people to hear. I’m also looking at visiting the UK soon, because I’ve received so much love from people around my last two songs. Then I’ll be heading into festival season in the New Zealand summer (December/January). It’s go, go, go!

UG: What are your thoughts on the music industry being from New Zealand? What do you think the culture is like being outside of a more stereotypically major music hub like the US?

Theia: New Zealand is definitely very small, which has its pros and cons. Being at the bottom of the world, it’s also pretty far removed from most places so you can’t just hop over to LA or London for a writing session. But thanks to streaming platforms like Spotify, we’re now operating on a global scale - so when you release new music, it’s being heard around the world, which wasn’t always the case for Kiwi artists. That’s a great thing, as far as I’m concerned .But yes, it’s very competitive and to be heard, your music has to cut through to an international audience.

UG:If you could recommend to us another artist you think deserves more recognition in the music industry who would you recommend?

Theia: Dounia. If you haven’t heard her yet, please check her out. I’m obsessed with her latest release ‘Avante Garde’! She’s going to blow up.

UG:Thank you so much for joining us on Unheard Gems. As a final question where can people find you and your music?

Theia: Thanks for having me and asking such insightful questions. I’m in all places - Spotify, iTunes, You Tube, Apple Music. On socials (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) I’m @theiaofficialxo Give me a follow, I love it when I see new faces from other places.

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