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Charisma goes 1-on-1 with Unheard Gems

Hey Unheard Gems, today we are joined by the new empowered artist, Charisma! We found Charisma in our discover weekly on Spotify with her incredible debut single “King” and have wanted to get in touch with her ever since.

Unheard Gems: Welcome to our Unheard Gems family! So glad you can join us today how are you?

Charisma: Hello, I’m doing fabulous! I’m glad you reached out to me.

UG: When did you first know you wanted to pursue music or when did you start to work on your music? What was your story/ relationship with music as you were growing up and how did it evolve?

Charisma: Well, I grew up singing in church with my brother Calvin, that’s how it all started. Ever since I was a little girl, I grew up listening to Michael Jackson, The Bee Gees, ABBA, George Michael. All of the greats and of course Gospel music. Over the years, my passion and hunger for music kept growing, and I thought maybe it is what I wanted to do. At 14, was when I went to my first studio recording session for my Gospel album. At 16 I moved out here to LA, with my brother Calvin and ever since we have been grinding and hustling & fighting for what we are passionate about.

UG: Any big inspirations who have shaped your sound and who you want to be as an artist?

Charisma: I'm a big fan of so many but just to name a few on the top of head would be MJ, Aretha Franklin, Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, Diana Ross, Beegees, BØRNS, Lorde, The Weeknd, Post Malone, and J. Cole.

As an artist, I aspire to not be just another singer, but to have voice for the people through music.

UG: Would you give us your elevator pitch as to who Charisma is?

Charisma: Charisma is the Simba from Lion King, haha lol. On a serious note thats an exact character I would portray, I'm definitely seeking to learn everyday being Ambitious with a breath of fearlessness, passionate and bound to take things to the next level,

UG: KING is a power song for women. What inspired you to create this song and then how did you choose it to be your debut single?

Charisma: Thank you for the love and appreciation towards KING. This song was written in 2015 over three years ago with a writer Cassius. While we were at a writing session there was a discussion between us, about how society is influenced by fakeness. They crown fakeness as their role models. They hide their insecurities just to be perfect, and society lays a blind eye to self worth and crowns fakeness as Kings. I was heartily depressed to see the Kylie lip challenge take place all over social media and disheartened to see young girls and several women accepting that challenge and destroying their natural self. Society has crowned these “role models” as Kings. Hence “I can’t wait , I can’t wait to be KING” to empower all about self love, self esteem and consciousness.

UG: On the topic of KING, how did you figure out what you wanted for the music video and what was that creative process like bringing the song to the visual realm?

Charisma: We did go through various treatments initially. The song was released in September, I was leaving for India late November. We were in two minds in shooting the video due to the span of time. The director Jakob Owens, had a simple but deep meaning behind the visual of his treatment. It was direct and we didn’t have any rehearsals, just all gorilla style by the forest. My brother, who is also my creative director, scheduled a meet and explained our vision in detail before we set a date to shoot with the producer, named Samuel King! Ironically lol, the shoot date was a day before we left for India. Visuals were shot in Lake Arrowhead which was filmed, edited and color corrected in a day.

UG: What would be your next steps with your music? Any releases planned or anything listeners can look forward too?

Charisma: I’m currently working on my EP, but I don’t have a fixed date as to when I’ll be releasing it. Tho I’ve been getting messages from my fans asking me when will I put out more, and that they can’t wait. I can’t wait either because I’m really excited about how this EP is coming along! Lol.

UG: How about your experience in the music industry this far, anything that has surprised you and do you have any words of wisdom you would pass on to any other new artists trying to make it in the industry?

Charisma: I always thought that the grass would be greener on the other side. I was wrong on that one! Lol. My experience in the music industry

What I learned from this experience is that, you cannot depend on anyone to help you with your career, you gotta do things the hard way, learn from scratch, most of all trust no one apart from yourself. never afraid to keep learning, embrace your fears, be humble to what you have and stay hungry for opportunity that helps you to advance your career. If you don’t go through the tough situations in life, how would you ever know, that you might just cross the limit line you’ve set for yourself? I’ve been knocked over numerous of times, but I kept getting up and worked harder.

Here is note that has helped me to be who I want to be,

We can do anything and everything if we put our minds to it, dream outside the borders of your comfort zone. Don't let people's opinions stop you because their opinions are merely a reflection of their own insecurities and self doubt. Everything in the moment is perfect.
I voice this to all and anyone who is making a start to their careers , never be afraid to be you.

UG: If you could recommend to us another artist you think deserves more recognition in the music industry who would you recommend?

Charisma: I would totally recommend Rex Orange County. His music is mind blowing and he’s insanely talented!

Follow Charisma on all of her socials here:

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