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"Blue"- ZOLA | Review

San Francisco based artist ZOLA has released her newest single. Following her hit, “Too Fast, Too Soon”, ZOLA shows us a different side of her with this ethereal and almost psychedelic type of song.

A recent graduate from the University of Miami Frost School of Music, Zola Johnson is surrounded by music. First taking interest in the guitar at age six, ZOLA has been

intertwined with the notes of music since she was young. Sticking with it proved to be a great success, with two incredible singles to her name.

Her newest song, “Blue” will be on her upcoming EP along with her first single. A fusion of soul, jazz, and R&B, “Blue” starts off as a mellow song with hints of melancholy. ZOLA shows a wide variety in her abilities by singing with a delicate voice on this song - much different than her first single.

“Blue” sounds exactly as it is named - blue. With notes of longing and wishing for something that isn’t there, the song speaks to anyone who has experienced loss. However, as the song goes on, the tempo increases and ZOLA sings with a greater intensity.

As the song finishes, a concluding verse is sung. With a stronger voice and equally strong music to back her up, ZOLA leaves the audience with one final note to tie it off. Her voice lingers in the air after the song ends, giving the listeners a taste of just how talented she is.

You can find ZOLA on her social media accounts:

Instagram - zolaofficialmusic

Facebook - zolaofficialmusic

Spotify - ZOLA/zolaofficialmusic

Youtube - ZOLA

Soundcloud - ZOLA/zolaofficialmusic

Written by Zoe Steiner

Edited by Hannah Schneider

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