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“V” - Alexander Glass | Review

Dynamic and engaging, this track is such a fun mix of electronic and pop music. I think Glass has such a new and interesting voice. This track is completely different from anything I’ve heard and it is truly an amazing track.

“While gigging with a guitar as a solo act I learned to produce. I was a featured artist twice on BBC Introducing producing for other artists. This is the first song I plan to release as an artist. I wrote the lyrics, sang the vocals and produced the track. There will be a professional mix to come but this is, for now, the demo. The lyrics offer a reflection on relationships, adventure and finding enjoyment in life through dance music, whether that be creating it or reveling at festivals and good DJ sets.”

From Alexander Glass:

BBC Introducing South Artist

Everyone has songs that are special to them, that’s why I love writing music.

I have been writing from a young age and started producing last year, I’ve been elated with the response to my first EP – Day 1

Review by Hannah Schneider

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