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“Type Erase” - Lisa Danaë | Review

Oh the modern struggle of accidentally hitting send too soon!

Lisa Danaë flawlessly creates a bubble gum pop track completely explaining this phenomenon. Catchy and youthful, the track is a steady beat with a totally 2000’s vibe. It’s a danceable track that you will listen to and love but also you may cringe when you realize you have done exactly what the song is saying. We’ve all been there, when you’re typing that email, text, DM or social media post and the words aren’t exactly flowing the way you want them to. You need to get the message just right and so you type, erase, type, erase and type again. “Oh no, you just pushed send!"

The song is definitely a departure from her past songs. Here she explores some deeper and darker sounding synths and a grittier beat that swerves away from the light bubble gum sound. One thing remains the same, after just one listen, you’ll be singing this catchy chorus long after the music stops.

If you like artists like CAPPA or FRANKIE you will probably enjoy Danaë.

“Lisa Danaë - California native, Disney fanatic, and child of the 90’s - uses music as a platform to narrate her story of growth and empowerment. Her music is a combination of powerful pop hooks and heartfelt lyrics that draws inspiration from her past and how she intends to conquer her future.

Breaking her two-year hiatus, Danaë comes back with “1445”, a series of singles that, in the aftermath of heartbreak, explore her growth as a music artist and as a woman. The lucky number, “1445”, represents the unwavering strength of angels and the series will continue with songs such as “The End of the Line,” “Get Away,” “Glutton,” “Type Erase,” “Temporary” and many more to further illustrate the journey of self-recovery.

Danaë has collaborated with producer and mixer John McLucas (“1445", "The End of the Line", "Get Away", “Glutton", and "Type Erase"), Duck Leary (“Temporary"), and songwriter, a girl named jaen, to create songs that accurately tells her redemption story.

Danaë uses music as a vehicle to let her fans know that they are not alone. “...just because someone’s life looks so great on social media doesn’t mean that their life is perfect. I have made some mistakes, I’ve dealt with breakups, I’ve had self-doubt, but I do want people to know that if you strive to live in the light and stay positive/put positive energy out in the universe, you can pull yourself out of a negative place.”

“No one can tell you what you can and cannot do in this life. You are in charge of your happiness. Talent is great, but can only get you so far. It’s hard work that will make your dreams come true.”

Lisa’s mission is to empower others with the powerful message of vulnerability. She leaves no topic or genre behind, from Power Pop singles with infectious melodies and strong hooks to haunting ballads. There will be something for everyone in her music. “

Written and edited by Hannah Schneider

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