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'Tokyo' - AIR APPARENT |Review

Tokyo by AIR APPARENT featuring Julia Ross boasts crisp, melodic beats to accompany Ross’s floating vocals. Lyrics of heartbreak and moving on are paired with light, pulsing electronic production. The chorus is quite catchy and this song is perfect for a late night drive.

When asked about the song AA says, “This song is a collaboration with Julia Ross, and I wrote the lyrics inspired by a friend's end of a long relationship while in Japan. It's about a friend of mine who has really struggled through depression following a really bad breakup -- made worse by a guy who kept reaching out to her and dragging her along by a string. While the verses are meant to be reflective and softer, the chorus is meant to be emphatic, defiant - a passionate declaration to the world and to herself about taking control of her emotions and freeing herself from his reach.”

AIR APPARENT is a producer based out of San Francisco. Perfectly blending into the city’s niche for electro pop music, AA is making a name for himself on the west coast. We can’t wait to see what comes next from him.


Written by Tatum Jenkins

Edited by Hannah Schneider

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