Martin Luke Brown released, “See U Later X” as track 8 on his debut album,
‘Damn, Look at the View !' on May 19, 2023.
The track starts with wistful acoustic guitar chords and the sound of children
playing. The introduction, Brown’s vocals, and first set of lyrics set the tone of the
song: “The last time I saw you / We said see you later / You were my best friend /
Now you’re a stranger.”
Listening to the lyrics, the listener can sympathize with the feeling of saying
“see you later” to a friend, loved one, or even colleague, and how it is often difficult
to say goodbye, or realize you’ve incidentally said goodbye.
The track is mainly acoustic guitar and vocals. However, after the second
chorus, drums are added to give a new and complete sound for the rest of the song.
At the end, Brown wraps up the song by repeating the first four lines of lyrics.
“See U Later X” is a great example of what it’s like to say goodbye and
reminisce about the past. Brown himself describes the track as, “It’s about all the
times I’ve said goodbye without really realizing it…the potent significance of
something that I’m totally unaware is happening as it’s unfolding.”
From Leicester, United Kingdom, Martin Luke Brown has been a self-taught multi-instrumentalist since the age of twelve. He believes the creation of ‘Damn, Look at the View !’ was one of the most significant times of his life. Brown describes each track as, “a journal entry of a specific time in my life - and it gets pretty deep
at times - but ultimately the feeling I want to evoke is that life really can be simple
and we should squeeze the juice out of every moment.”
After listening to “See U Later X,” I am deeply interested in listening to the rest of Brown’s catalog. As well, I am looking forward to finding out about the music
he will release in the future.