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Saint Solipsis Has Us Captivated

Saint Solipsis is an up-and-coming artist that doesn’t let genres or labels define him. The singer-songwriter has been making music in his bedroom since childhood, but now signed to the young record label - Harmony Records - he plans to catapult his career and captivate the hearts of America.

His first single under the new label is a classic yet mysterious pop song called “Captivated.” The pop-techno beat combined with entrancing guitar strings makes for a unique sound the Saint Solipsis’ lyrics fit perfectly.

The song utilizes this unique sound to send a message of self-love and to remind you to embrace your inner superstar.

Saint Solipsis saying, “I wrote this song as a kind of reassurance that it is okay to want to look good and as a sort of an anthem for myself. I tried to turn the guilt about how I looked and acted into something positive and empowering.”

To him, these kinds of messages are especially important as an LGBTQ+ person. Queer kids don’t get to see mediated versions of themselves that reflect what they see in the mirror. “It’s almost as if a caricature of the queer identity is pushed on LGBTQ+ artists, and it becomes their entire brand,” says Saint Solipsis.

A caricature he has no interest in letting be pushed onto him, “I want to be able to make great music without being defined by my sexuality. I want to show LGBTQ+ kids that they too have a shot and can be taken seriously for their art and vision, the same way straight people are without question in this industry.”

With his first single at Harmony Records under his belt, Saint Solipsis is planning for the future. Currently searching for a producer to help perfect his sound and communicate his vision to the fullest. All while helping to lift others up and empower their most authentic self.

“Life is too short to beat up on yourself, especially since the rest of the world can do it for you…have fun, and live on the mysterious side.” - Saint Solipsis.

By: Zac Strater

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