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"Masterpiece" - Asy Saavedra |Review

Have you been looking for electro-pop that scratches that part of your brain that is looking for your next earworm? Asy Saavedra's new single "Masterpiece" is the dynamic, shimmering, electro-pop song of your daydreams.

First of all, the simmering synths and seductive almost whispering vocals create this beautiful blend of sound that dances above the bass and bubbles of the rest of the track. Asy has clearly taken the time to play with sound in this song. With every listen I feel like I hear something new from bubbles popping to clinking metal, there is always something to notice but it is never overwhelming. It is, well, a masterpiece,

The accompanying visual is equally stunning. The neon lights, incredible styling, and engaging movement performance make for one of my favorite music videos I have seen recently. The video, which was directed by Louise de Nexon features several looks from the fashion designer Sho Konishi. Asy says, "I am a huge fan and have been obsessed with Sho's work for a while. We ended up using several pieces in the music video including the android look, which has been worn by Beyonce, Dove Cameron, etc. There was an amazing piece that Sho had designed for Paris Hilton but she never ended up wearing it, so I got to wear it in the video. Sho’s designs brought the music video to another level and it was amazing to be able to premiere some of their outfits."

Despite my own view of how the song is a masterpiece, Asy's lyrics tell another story. She explains how "At the time of writing this song, I was going through a difficult phase, but every time I put on my headphones, and my producer hat, I felt like God. God energy emerges from the rubble of flaws, heartbreak and difficulty". Sometimes having to face our flaws and insecurities head-on and embracing them as they are is the only way to move forward. "Choose god energy".

Musician and composer Asy Saavedra is breaking out on her own, building tonal galaxies that music nerds can only dream of. After writing, performing, and touring with her sister Chloe in their band Chaos Chaos (formerly Smoosh), Asy is striking out on her own. Her latest project as composer for the indie game Trover Saves The Universe, finds her at the helm of a new frontier, building the sonic reality in which the characters live (and die). Calling the shots from her music “control room,” Asy incorporates a mix of organic and digital equipment in each project, lovingly showcasing her piano, Juno 60, and prologue alongside her soaring, ethereal vocals. Each song is it’s own mini-universe, allowing the listener to move seamlessly between extremes: theremin wavers set the stage for a pulsing cinematic piece, hinting at nearby danger; oscillating synth arpeggios act as the pulse of each level; while Asy’s voice modulates wildly in step with agitated beats, invoking tension from the player. As one moves through the game, these markers become warning shots. Beyond collabs, Asy is also working on a solo album. It’s a world she can’t wait to share.

Review by Hannah Schneider

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