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"Make You Feel" - Nyiko | Review

With several falsettos and an immense number of digital drum sets “Make You Feel” screams 80s. When listening to this I couldn’t help but think about the classic coming-of-age movies from that time period.

Don’t get me wrong these came out before my time, but I’ve still seen all of them.

This track has the same theme as those movies; the crazy thrill of falling in love and the anxiousness that comes with it. Regarding this, Nyiko explains “When you watch these classing coming-of-age films, there’s this feeling of joy, but there’s also a pain in nostalgia.”

Imagine this song playing out of John Cusack’s boom box outside of your bedroom window.

Nyiko is an indie-pop artist from Los Angeles. In an interview, Nyiko stated, “Make You Feel” is “the final pane in a mosaic of singles released ahead of his debut album “Honesty”.”

Before becoming a single artist, Nyiko worked as a music licensing manager, played in several folk bands, and has produced music for Amazon and Disney.

I really liked this track. Maybe we could see it in an upcoming 80s movie?

Written by Quincy Williamson

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