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Luca Fogale x Sofar Sounds | Concert Review + Interview

Luca Fogale is nothing short of a star.

I have never wanted to go to a show so badly before. I have loved Luca's music since I first discovered him back around 2017 after the release of his first album in 2016. I instantly fell in love with the melancholy lyrics and powerful and emotional vocals. These are the songs you need when you need to feel vulnerable but safe and heard. Most of the time Luca's songs put words to things I was feeling but couldn't find words to describe. Needless to say, when I saw Fogale was taking on a tour in the US I purchased a ticket before even checking what day it was going to be.

The team at Sofar Sounds does such an incredible job with their location scouting. The DTLA loft and creative space was an experience all its own with the company WUF downstairs and Moldovian artist Cristina Platita's work and studio upstairs. The room, lit with fairy lights and strewn with floor cushions, made for the perfect intimate space to appreciate these songs.

Luca played songs both on and off the album Nothing is Lost and gave his dedicated fans a taste of two new and unreleased tracks. I can assure you they are as good if not better than you could imagine. One new song, "Worthy of Love", I need in my playlist as soon as possible. The singer shared a story of learning to embrace love and having people in your life who truly know you. It is scary to think about but absolutely beautiful and perfectly captured in that song. Luca has this calming quality about him that made the room feel at ease and together. Maybe it was the intimate and small nature of the gathering, maybe it was his dedicated listeners who resonated with the lyrics and stories he shared, and maybe it is just this little bit of magic that he possesses when he sings.

I could not recommend an artist more highly.

We got a chance to chat with Luca before the show. Check out our interview here:

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Review by Hannah Schneider

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