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"It Won’t Be Easy" - Mountain Bird | Review

Mountain Bird, otherwise known as Adam Ohman just released his new song, “It Won’t Be Easy.”

“It Won’t Be Easy” thrives on and shows massive amounts of powerful emotion with an almost dark undertow of lyrics. It seems to rise with every second in response to several changes of different melodies.

The electronic pop song describes the pain and long journey one goes through when dealing with one’s mental health. Mountain Bird almost seems to describe this without saying exactly what he wants. You can just feel it…

Think of a sense of vastness that is created by very melancholy vocals.

In the song, Mountain Bird says;

“Will we be able to solve this… to feel good mentally?”

Yes, this song doesn’t seem like the most uplifting of kinds, but it does bring awareness to what many people struggle with on a daily basis in a beautiful way.

Mountain Bird hails from the Scandinavian country of Sweden. He grew up watching his music-teacher mother sing while playing the drums and piano. At a point in his life, his anxiety took him away from any social activity eventually leading to him staying in his bedroom all day.

I’m glad Mountain Bird has found the strength to fight his anxiety head-on, allowing for us to hear and appreciate his wonderfully dark, but beautiful music.

Written by Quincy Williamson

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