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“Hurts” - Cade Hoppe |Review

Perfect for fans of Eighty-Ninety, Cade Hoppe’s first single of 2022, “Hurts,” is a painful, soulful song about a breakup and the aftermath of losing the person you loved and were with. Hoppe’s vocals, soundtrack, and story-like lyrics drew me in, creating a beautiful song to listen to.

“Hurts” opens with soft piano chords that set the vibe that this will be a sad, chill, lofi song. The piano is soon replaced by drums and beats. The beats aren’t loud like rocking out in a Green Day rock song, but they bring a bigger presence that stands out from the previously sad, slow piano chords.

Shortly afterward, Hoppe’s vocals fill up the air, a commanding presence that just needs to be listened to. His opening lyrics paint a picture of his relationship and his emotions. His description of his ex’s perfume was captivating. It set the scene, drawing me, and I wanted to know.

Many lines of the chorus stood out to me: “I don’t know which is worse: to try to move on or the reverse,” “I don’t know how this works,” and “It’s not easy losing somebody.” The second and third lyrics captured my attention because of the relatability I felt from them. While they were about a break and losing a former partner, they resonated with me in regards to friends and life in general. Everyone is learning in life and figuring out how things go and how to process. It can be in or after a relationship or with friends or family or even beginning a new journey in life like living alone. I loved how specific to Hoppe’s experience and relationship his lyrics were but how they simultaneously captured things I felt or feared about parts of my life.

Another line that stood out to me was: “We’ve been running out of time since I met you.” The act of being bound to fail or fall apart really struck me. The idea felt too tragic to accept.

While a sad love song, “Hurts” is a beautifully written and produced song that deserves recognition, and I could play on repeat.

Cade Hoppe is currently based in New York but hails originally from Sacramento, CA. Throughout his childhood, Hoppe learned to play the piano, guitar, bass, and saxophone. In 2020, he began writing and releasing songs with his stepbrother, Nick Adams. One song, “Best Friend,” reached nearly 20,000 streams on Spotify. In 2021, Hoppe released multiple songs that ended up compiling his debut EP Tell Me How It’s Worth It. Hoppe developed and produced his new songs and EP alongside Harper James, half of the band Eighty-Ninety. Hoppe's music is highlighted by “his warm, baritone vocals, earnest lyricism and sticky pop melodies.”

Written by Anne Friedman

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