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"Here Before" - Apollo Rising | Review

Apollo Rising, also known as, “Apollo” is an alternative electric duo with Danick Coutu on the piano and vocals, and Colvin Gallant on the drums.

“Here Before” gave me a Twenty One Pilot vibe, but less aggressive. The beginning almost sounds like a Daft Punk opening - R.I.P.

You can definitely hear the electric in the songs, with a wide variety of instrumentals like drums, piano, and some 808.

The vocals and instrumentals really tied the song together. A lot of the time with electric songs it seems like the vocals don’t carry the same weight to be combined with the instrumentals, but in “Here Before” each are equally great…

Well done.

Apollo Rising hails from Ottawa, Canada - a great city I might add. The group has found much success as independent artists with their tracks “Aurora” and “Sanctuary”.

I whole-heartedly enjoyed this song and I think you will too. Give it a listen!

Written by Quincy Williamson

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