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Heather - Ruby Waters | Review

I am in complete AWE of Ruby Waters new single “Heather” released on November 16th. This song is so incredibly raw and vibrant it really shows all of the natural talent Ruby Waters has. I think it makes it more powerful that it’s just a guitar and vocal song.

Not just her voice but also in her lyrics, she’s giving complete honesty “Maybe I should go to bed, I could masturbate instead, whatever passes the time, and wipes you from my mind / I miss doing cocaine with you, wish I could go back in time, rack each of us one more line, but the bag is all gone now”.

Ruby is originally from the small town of Shelburne, Ontario and she is ready to take on the world and leave them all in awe. I have to have listened to this song at least fifty times while writing this and I just can’t get enough. Hearing such a heartbreaking raw song about love is just SO beautiful. Like she misses Heather so much and is reminiscing on the times they had together without even saying her name one time.

I will be showing this song to all of my friends and anyone who asks for new music. I cannot wait to hear more music from her and see what happens next.

Written by Heather Kathryn

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