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“Goodbye Boy” - Namelle | Review

Leading in with pulsating drums and a reverberating voice that echoes the title of the track and chorus, the new single “Goodbye Boy” by Namelle quickly prepares the listener for a song that is best heard driving with the windows down.

“Goodbye Boy” is an ode to anybody that has ever felt obligated to engage in a conversation with a man because of a smile, laugh, or general nicety. Instead of staying in this awkward position, Namelle casts away expectant suitors with a simple and effective exclamation: “Goodbye Boy.”

The undercurrent of the track brings the listener along, almost lulling us to a place of comfort as Namelle doesn’t have heavy instrumentation to obscure lyrics she might hope her listener to relate to. Instead, a steady flow of piano keys and rhythmic clapping, drums play under her vocals as she weaves her story.

All at once, the harmonious piano culminates with a synth-laced expression of frustration and independence as Namellee exclaims, “Goodbye Boy.” The song's chorus is reminiscent of mid-aughts to early twenty-teens classics and will appeal to both the nostalgia seeker and new music nerd.

Namelle’s use of synths hints at her growth and development as an artist and performer. Straying away from the acoustically influenced pop of her earlier music, Namelle now gravitates to a more electro-based sound.

Originally from the South Eastern part of Sweden, Namelle is beginning a rapidly moving career, having already done hundreds of gigs throughout several countries where she has written, recorded, and performed her music. Her talent, drive, and search for inspiration and collaboration have led her to musical mechas such as Los Angeles and Berlin.

Namelle was named an “Ines Talent” in 2018 and has performed twice at Sweden's biggest showcase festival, "Live at Heart," The Alternative Escape, Westway LAB and Midem.

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