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“Getting Used to the Feel” - Genuine Leather | Review

As we ease into the warm summer nights, Genuine Leather provides the perfect synth-soaked soundtrack with their shimmering new single "Getting Used to the Feel." The track marks the band's first release since their label-backed debut Genuine Pleasure hit last November, and it finds them leveling up with richer production and a more expansive sound.

A reverb-drenched synth line and driving, anthemic drumbeat create an aural landscape primed for Galis' airy vocals to float above. The buoyant instrumentation belies the song's somewhat uneasy thematic core - getting used to the strange, disorienting process of reacclimating to "normal" life after the collective trauma of the Covid-19 pandemic.

There's this balance of never truly being comfortable, but everything also feeling fresh with infinite opportunity. “Getting Used to the Feel" captures that sense of cautious optimism, of testing the waters of a new normal that may never fully return to how things were before. The punchy synth pop arrangement has a breezy, nostalgic feel, but the wistful vocals convey the underlying unease.

While a big step up in production values from Genuine Pleasure, "Getting Used to the Feel" maintains the project's stylish synth pop core. But this time, those sparkling keyboards and propulsive beats create a richer, more immersive sonic world befitting of Genuine Leather's increased exposure. It's the perfect soundtrack for tentatively re-emerging this summer, catching hints of pre-pandemic bliss but still adjusting to the unfamiliar "feel" of this new era.

By Hannah Schneider

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