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Dune Moss- “Lullaby Please Don’t Lie”

Dune Moss delivers angelic vocals for her new single Lullaby Please Don’t Lie. The soft rhythm of the piano and the string instruments give a sense of innocence and peace.

I can imagine myself listening to this as I go on a hike through the forest and just take in the nature around me. Towards the end of the song Dune Moss explodes in a climactic moment of realization. Lullaby Please Don’t Lie is a symbol for independence, and as the singer states, “it’s a last plea of childlike innocence before the rude awakening of adulthood and the journey of developing an independent self.” We all want to live life to the fullest without authority telling us otherwise, and we all want to figure out who we are as we grow up. This song is perfect for all people trying to find their identity even if it’s not from childhood to adulthood. With raw emotion, Dune was able to capture one of the hardest transitions in life.

Dune Moss started her musical journey at the age of 12 receiving vocal lessons. By the age of 15 she picked up an accordion after trying guitar and piano and fell in love with it. Dune loves nature so much that she walks barefoot as long as it isn’t cold. That type of connection with Mother Nature gives you inner peace, which can be heard through her songs. In 2021, Dune auditioned for American Idol and was top 40, an impressive feat. Her fans are called “sprouts” in acknowledgment of nature, folklore, and magic. Not only is she a performer, but she also has her own Etsy page selling jewelry. Each nature-inspired jewelry represents her songs, which makes all her fans excited for what’s to come next.

Written by Lia Tsvetanova

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