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"Conclusions" - Devan | Review

Singer/Songwriter Devan is no stranger to the stage, and her vast experience despite her young age shines through in “Conclusions.” Having spent the past six years writing and performing with folk-pop band Wild Rivers, “Conclusions” is a piece of her first solo project, an EP titled “Pink Noise.”

“Pink Noise is about insecurity, but it's also about being able to breathe out and feel a sense of relief towards my revelation that my reality is formed by my own perceptions,” she says. For me, in “Conclusions,” the standouts are her vocals and songwriting prowess. Lyrics like “Im trying for you love/get out of bed put my face on/cause nothings really even wrong/just happens every so often these days/so baby won't you please just let me in/so i can try to change how you’re thinkin” hit me so clearly with the nostalgia of trying to navigate your twenties (and even beyond, honestly). Thanks to a gorgeous but understated melody, she is able to eloquently deliver, without being overpowered, the ideas of trying to push forward, not always feeling good and not understanding why, attempts to discover who you are within the world and who you want to be, and learning that not everyone you love will grow with you despite your best efforts.

This is going to be a track I reflect to, probably cry to, and have on my mind for quite some time.

Written by Sydne Broady

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