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“Billboards & Barracudas”- Eddie Davis | Review

Eddie Davis just transported us back in time into some sort of nostalgic paradise.

Eddie is releasing his first solo project with debut single "Billboards & Barracudas" about putting your ambitions aside and celebrating the small victories.

There is something so peaceful and comforting about the grit in Eddie’s voice. The slow and crooning single “Billboards & Barracudas” really pays homage to classic rock music. The vocals are big and powerful yet maintain this hopeful and emotional root. The track is clearly grounded in a genuine desire to emulate the monumental artists of that time through his own meaningful writings and performances.

Born Edward Davis McKenna in 1989, singer/songwriter Eddie Davis expressed a passion for entertaining at a young age and portrayed a natural ability to do so. Surrounded by vinyl, he was influenced by 60s and 70s era classic rock music and inspired by big vocals and colorful imaginative lyrics. This passion transformed into a genuine desire to emulate the monumental artists of that time through his own meaningful writings and performances.

Review by Hannah Schneider

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