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"All Mine" -Sense|Review

Sense is the music brain child of three French engineering students – Matthieu, Paul and Marius. Their release,“All Mine”, is the perfect cutesty love song. With a catchy chorus with a fun synth track the song is one you will dance along to all day. Speaking of dancing, this bubble gum pop love song is accompanied by the sweetest dance based music video I think I have ever seen. The two dancers had infinite charisma and joy that perfectly matched the vibe of this song. The love story set in a diner surrounded by the band and it is, in general and simple terms, pure sweetness.

The track is precious. The vocals and synths swell smoothly together and it is an enjoyable listen regardless of setting and time. This song could definitely blow up on the radio and perfectly fits the bubble gum love niche that so many artist strive for.

In the words of Sense: "After the release of our song All Mine, a song from our EP Taste which came out in October, we wanted to give a visual aspect to what the song meant to us. All Mine is part of the sensory story behind Taste. It tells the story of a world we discovered in the US: with an abundance of sweetness and cultural institutions like the classic diner. The plucking sounds of All Mine are shocks of sweetness hitting the tastebuds, and the aesthetic of the video encapsulates the atmosphere of the music and the experience we lived abroad. We made this video in the YouTube Studio at Chelsea Market in New York. Along with our wonderful friends from Eleven, we gathered a wonderful team of UPenn friends and recorded it in a studio with amazing, sweet and energetic dancers. The video turned into a live performance with powerful dance performances and love story of dancers at a retro 70 dinner. We had always dreamt to record something in the vein of 'Back to the Future'".

Review by Hannah Schneider

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