With the end of Summer just around the corner, Stefan J. Selbert captures the essence of this transitional season perfectly in his newest project, ‘Sugar Peas.’
The song has a very personal and almost whimsical feel to it—comparable to that of frolicking in a field somewhere, without a care in the world. The folky, acoustic instrumental component of this track is beyond gorgeous, and in my opinion, the main perpetrator of the scene this song sets. The aspect of storytelling is also very prominent, through the sentimental lyrics within this song. There is a certain tinge of heartwarming reflection on life’s simple joys, rounding out this piece as objectively beautiful.
As a cattle rancher in Los Alamos, California, it is no surprise that Stefan has captured the feeling of that rural summer peace. He produces a sound that is truly the epitome of countryside bliss— and, could convince anyone to pack their bags and move to a farm. After immersing myself in the experience that is ‘Sugar Peas,’ I can confirm that I have been convinced. Be sure to watch out for Stefan J. Selbert in the future, and enjoy the bittersweet end of summer with this song on your playlist.

Written By: Julia Brennan