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“Slice” - Highway Flowers | Review

I think we all have that person we just want to talk to 24/’s addicting….even though they definitely aren’t good for you. It’s just a bit fun. “Slice” is that flirty pop track that makes you realize….dang I want that person to text me back!

Slice is about a relationship that you know isn’t working out, but you still hold on because you can’t let go of that perfect image of what it could be. You know you shouldn’t reach out, but you just can’t resist, pretending it’s all fine when really it's time to let go. This duo has the vocals, the hook, and the groove. Everything feels witty and light and fun. This is definitely a partnership to keep on your radar.

Highway Flowers: something pretty to take in while you’re getting where you’re going. Created by California/New York Producer Retrograded (Jackson Klarsfeld), and Milwaukee singer/songwriter Ryan Gorski, Highway Flowers is the next big name in indie/bedroom pop. This unlikely duo met through an Instagram ad, immediately bonding over their shared passion for creating music. They quickly recognized each other’s talent and began passing music back and forth over the internet. Since they have never met in person, Gorski and Klarsfeld write for Highway Flowers over facetime calls, texted videos, and voice notes. Their inability to write and record using conventional methods has resulted in a sound that is unique to Highway Flowers. Inspirations range from classic superstars like Etta James and Jimmy Hendrix to more recent names such as Chelsea Cutler and The 1975. To the duo, music is an escape. Music can take you back to that moment, that feeling, that smell, and Highway Flowers wants to be that for anybody who may need it. In a month and a half of work, they have created more songs than they know what to do with, and they don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon. Keep an eye out for their first single, Slice, coming soon to a speaker device near you.

Review by Hannah Schneider

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