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Release Myself- Bess Atwell |Review

‘Release Myself’ is beautifully vulnerable and intimate, as Bess Atwell provides us a window into her mind.

This song is one of acceptance: “I can only release myself / got a lot to be forgiven for / gave a lot of hell.” Through this display of emotion, Bess buys into the idea that she deserves to give herself grace- something that is not always easy to give, or receive. When asked to speak on ‘Release Myself,’ Bess states: "There are always a couple of songs on a record that just sort of fall out of you and this was one of them. This was the first time I’ve managed to write about my panic disorder without slipping too far into sorry-for-myself or cheesy, faux-empowering territory. It’s a song that says “Hey I’m struggling, but I’m not a victim.” The listening experience provided by this piece is one that reaches out a comforting hand; One that says “I’m here for you. I see you. I hear you, and I forgive you.” That feeling of forgiveness, that first step in believing that you are strong enough to break down the barriers you have built in your own mind, is one that countless individuals struggle to find intrinsically. ‘Release Myself’ is an open invitation to let go, and a catalyst for self-acceptance.

With the gifted touch of critically acclaimed producer, Aaron Dressner, it is no surprise that this song is sonically and artistically cohesive. The instrumental components in this piece blend together flawlessly, creating an inviting melody to enhance this song's gentle lyrics and smooth vocals. ‘Release Myself’ is the newest single off Bess Atwell's upcoming album ‘Light Sleeper.’ The album, which aims to be a portrayal of Atwell's genuine and complex emotions, is the first project Aaron has worked on in years that he himself did not write. Bess reflected on this fact as “a huge honor.” It is clear that this duo works together beautifully, creating true art in the studio. With ‘Release Myself’ as the ultimate portrayal of sheer, undeniable talent, Bess Atwell is nothing short of a star in the making.

Written By: Julia Brennan

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