There is nothing quite like angelic vocals, violins and guitar. Dani Stockdale gives us all of that and incredibly vulnerable lyrics in “Fight with Me”.
She lives in the same neighborhood of music as Julia Michaels, Lizzy McAlpine and Kelsea Balerini. Released August 9th of this year, this song has received lots of attention on TikTok and Instagram, garnering just over a hundred thousand likes. This is her first collaboration with Stella Smyth, another fantastic artist. It is hopefully not the last.
Stockdale’s vocals float above a dynamic production. Every second holds a new ear tingling moment. The tone of the song could fit almost any situation. I can see myself yelling the lyrics of the bridge while dancing in my bedroom. The line, “Swallow all your pride before your ocean swallows you” paints such fantastic imagery. I can also see myself swaying to the guitar swells and losing myself in the instrumentals alone. Finally, which I know inspired the song, I can see myself crying and holding myself while listening to this song and working through the hardships that come with the loss of a relationship, romantic or platonic.
Stockdale wrote to us that “Fight with Me,” “reflects a fading friendship, where [her] friend kept pulling away during important conversations.” She did a lot of work to heal the relationship and didn’t get the same effort back to the point where even a fight from this person would be better than being ignored. The chorus describes how difficult it is to not have a particular action that someone has done to be frustrated as they are “always listening” to what you have to say. However, they just don’t say anything in response. How can you solve a problem between two people when one person isn’t participating in the solution? Sometimes, as Stockdale describes with “I just want to feel you,” connection is the start to peace.

Written by Jazmin Polido