Have you ever been in the car or the shower days after an argument and thought of the perfect thing you should have said during that argument? Well, if you answered “yes,” then Noah Richarson has the perfect song for you– his new song, “Dead To Me,” is our end-of-summer anthem.
The twenty-two-year-old artist hails from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and filmed the music video for this track at his family’s funeral home. Richardson released his debut album, from which the song is named, on August 26, 2022, through Free Dive Records.
“Full of fake smiles, bless you, guess who, wanna walk a mile in my shoes don’t you… don’t you… don’t you,” is my favorite line from “Dead To Me.” I love how catchy it is, and the repetition at the end pulls listeners in. My favorite part of “Dead To Me,” is the acapella bit in the beginning. I think it is the perfect way to start off the song because it really showcases Richardson’s vocals; it also gives the song a haunting feeling from the start, then the funky bass comes in with the catchy lyrics and everything flows perfectly.
I also just love the overall message of “you look so alive but you’re so dead to me,” I think it’s so ironic in a beautiful way. It makes me think of that one person that is so over the top and extra and I am so perfectly content not having them in my life anymore.
I love how this song sounds, feels, and the energy it brings. Sonically, Richardson did an amazing job on this track– with funky and fun bass lines floating throughout the song to carry you through. Lyrically, “Dead To Me” feels fun and petty like something you would want to send to your ex. “Dead To Me” brings an overall fun and playful energy while still conveying a serious message to its listeners.
All in all, I love this track. I think it’s catchy and is the perfect song to wrap up the summer with.

Review Done By Casper Barbour