Jun 9, 20203 min

Jazzy Mejia goes 1- on-1 with Unheard Gems

Jazzy Mejia was born and raised in Los Angeles, California in a multicultural family with musical roots. Music has always been a part of her life and having watched her sister, Natalie Mejia’s winning performance on the television show Girlicious at the age of 12, inspired her to start her own female vocal group. She has been in girl groups such as N2ition, LT3, Mejia, and G.R.L., and has toured all over the world before finding her own sound and becoming a solo artist.

Unheard Gems: Welcome, Jazzy Mejia, to Unheard Gems. We are so excited to have the opportunity to talk with you. How are you doing today?

Jazzy Mejia: Hi! Thank you so much for having me! I’m doing well!

Unheard Gems: Just so our readers can learn a bit more about you, how did you know you wanted to get into music?

Jazzy Mejia: I was actually born into a musical family. My dad was an executive at many different major labels as well as a musician. I was singing and learning songs with my dad on the guitar as soon as I could speak! I sang “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion at 3 years old for my entire preschool graduate class. I think being on stage at that young age made me realize that that’s what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Unheard Gems: You were originally a member of a group and your new EP is your first solo project, can you tell us about transitioning from a group to solo artist?

Jazzy Mejia: I’ve always worked on solo music while being a part of groups. My recent group members have been very supportive of my solo music. Which is rare and a blessing. It made transitioning much smoother for me. Especially when I began producing my own beats. There was nothing holding me back from releasing solo music. The group never officially disbanded either and we may come back together for a reunion tour one day.

Unheard Gems: let’s talk about this EP! It’s called “Seven24” vibe, RnB, stunning, every track. Tell us about this project!

Jazzy Mejia: Thank you so so much! Well the E.P. is called Seven24 representing being in quarantine Seven days a week 24 hours a day. Which gave me so much time to really reflect, create, and engage with my fans/followers. It’s also my birthday. 7/24! The E.P. was inspired by the different waves of emotions I’ve gone through during this time. From pure gratitude for the simple things in life like being truly loved for me, to the lack of attention I’ve gotten due to my boyfriend playing hours of video games to pass the time, to just missing the good ole days with my girl friends. I always want to be honest and relevant with my music.

Unheard Gems: You make all of your own music in your own home, what is that process like just making the music?

Jazzy Mejia: An idea can spark at anytime and it’s nice to have the knowledge, equipment, and space in my home to turn these ideas into songs any time. Sometimes a new song can start with a beat, a good melody in the shower, or an experience. Then the rest of the song just follows and flows.

Unheard Gems: I have to ask since everyone is home and balancing work and home life in a new way, you work at home on your music, how do you balance the work and the personal at home?

Jazzy Mejia: I’m definitely blessed to be able to combine the 2. Working from home on my music means making my own hours and being my own boss.

Unheard Gems: What is next after this EP? Any plans?

Jazzy Mejia: I try not to plan too far ahead. I’ve learned that you can plan but God truly decides. I definitely will be releasing more music and doing a live concert on Instagram for all of my followers soon. I would also love to do a tour when the stay at home orders are lifted.

Unheard Gems: We always like to know who our Unheard Gems artists are listening to, if you could recommend to us another artist you think deserves more recognition in the music industry who would you recommend?

Jazzy Mejia: I would definitely recommend an artist friend of mine who is also featuring on my song Perfect. His name is MVXMILLI. His music is so good!

Unheard Gems: Lastly, for all of our readers, where can they find you and your music, and is there anything else you want to leave us with that we didn’t talk about in our questions?

Jazzy Mejia: You can find all of my music links on my website JazzyMejia.com ! Thank you again for having me. I wish you and everyone health, peace of mind, and love.

Interview by Hannah Schneider
